My last few posts have been about carving a wave form from the start of an idea, making it in plastercine, carving it in lime and applying oil and wax to finish. I have called the piece Ocean Wave. I guess it will evoke different memories for different people. For me the Mobius strip at the centre reminds me of the welling strength of the sea when we went surfing as children, and sitting listening to the rhythmic sound of the waves on the shore.
Make a maquetteand refine itPrepare a templateDraw it on and start to block out the shapeand continue roughly forming the shapeDevelop the waveRefine the spiralImprove the shape and finishApply oil and wax
Once the Wave Form had been smoothed I used an old T shirt to apply a coat of Danish oil and turps. The turps thins the oil so that it sinks into the surface of the wood, nourishing it and sealing it as it dries. It takes 2-3 days to dry depending on the temperature. Then a second coat was applied. a thin coat that completed sealing the work, but not so thick that it becomes shiny. Again this is left for 2-3 days to dry. Finally I applied a coat of bees wax (not a synthetic wax) and buff it up to give a silky smooth tactile finish.
Only when oil and wax have been applied can you see the depth of colour and the grain which are enhanced by the oil.
Once the carving is fully formed the process of smoothing starts. This often takes me nearly as long as the actual carving. It starts by using a variety of chisels to gently take off the uneven surface from the whole carving. Whist I do this I check for bumps to remove and sharpen and smooth the edges. This is followed by using a variety of scrapers with different curves to create a really smooth surface. As this happens my eye is drawn to any irregularities that still need correcting. I do this over a few days as each time I look I see a new slight imperfection that needs correcting. I look at pieces from all angles and often use touch to check the smoothness and regularity of the carving.
Seeing the smooth shape is very satisfying the the actual process is really time consuming, but necessary if a smooth shape is desired rather than a chisel finish.
All that is left is the application of Danish oil and bees wax.
Once the basic form has been established I then continue carving. I improved the wave on the right making it more delicate and carving up under the wave. The left side then had to be balanced making the form swing towards the front and a smaller wave lifting at the left side from underneath. the central double spiral then needed opening up and defining. This is where the plastercine model comes into its own as the edges of the spiral at the front need to match up with the edges at the back correctly to form a Mobius strip (it is really easy to get them wrong and form a figure of eight). I increased the concave curve of the inner surfaces to emphasise the sharpness and clarity of the edges as they pass through the centre.
This process takes me a number of days to allow time for the carving and to take time to stop and think about the form. To bring a fresh eye to it and check the balance and flow, and to check the spirals are even smooth curves. At this point the form is nearly complete but has not been smoothed.